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Sunday, December 12, 2010

WreckingBall... I mean Snowball

We have discovered that Snowball uses Genny (Genevieve) has her seeing eye donkey.  Although it sounds strange, Genny walks in front of Snowball to stop her from walking into fences or other obstacles.  It's really cool! Snowball does not like for Genny to be out of her reach or at least range.  When this happens, Snowball will call for Genny and if there is an obstacle in between them, Snowball will try to go through the obstacle....whether it's fence, posts, brush, or whatever. This wasn't good when we were leaving gates open to connect more than 1 pasture together.

For this reason, we have moved Genny and Snowball into a pasture without obstacles or open gates to other pastures.  Genny can't get on the other side of fence or buildings to freak Snowball out.  This seems to be working well and keeps Steve from having to replace fence or posts. 

I'm just glad we figured out why Snowball was taking things out before she ended up hurt!

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