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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vet is Back

The vet said that Snowball is partially blind.  She said that Snowball had scratches on her eyes that were likely caused by years of eye irritation that was left untreated.  She also has a condition common to appaloosas called UVitis that had been left untreated for many years.  It's such a shame we didn't know these things a few months ago when we bought her.  The vet's recommendation was to also leave a UV fly mask on her to block further damage from the sun.  She said it would also protect her eyes from irritants and things she could run into due to her partial blindness.

Also, she said Genny probably won't have her baby until February if at all???? She would prefer to not do an ultrasound of Genny since she is a miniature and the equipment may be too large for her and hurt her.  So we said it was ok and we'd wait and see what happens.

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