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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Planting Season is in FULL swing!!

Wow! Steve and his dad have been VERY busy planting so far this year.  We have planted broccoli, cabbage, onions (yellow and white), kennebec and pontiac potatoes, better boys, cherry, and morgage lifters tomatoes (enough for several armies I think--ha ha), cukes (pickling, yamatos and suyos), 2 kinds of eggplant, crooked neck squash, clemson spineless okra, silver queen corn, bell peppers (orange and giant), stars and moon watermelon (yellow flesh), green beans, 4 kinds of lettuce and I am sure some other things I am forgetting...

Next on the list are my butterbeans (mmmmmm). 

Some of the more exotic things like the strange cukes and peppers we grew from seeds first before planting.

Monday, April 25, 2011

More Chicks??? WHAT?

Steve decided we needed a few more chicks.  However, we didn't want to chance more boys, so he bought 6 pullets from Tractor Supply.  They are supposed to be White Leghorns.  The other 10 we original got are supposed to be 4 Barred Rock and 6 Buff Orpingtons.  However, we have noticed one of the barred rocks doesn't look like the others.  We'll have to wait and see what's what.  Fun! Fun!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Chirpin' Chicks!

We added to the farm today! They weren't supposed to arrive until Friday...but.......We now have 10 straight run chicks that look like 2 different kinds (based on color of the little fuzzballs).  We are hoping for pullets(girls), but with our luck...we'll have 10 roosters.  They are SO cute! Can't wait for egg laying.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chick Coop Ready!

Steve and Larry finished re-siding the chicken coop.  It hasn't been used in at least 50 years.  Steve's great-grandfather had chickens many, many, many years ago.  The roof was in great shape, but the sides needed to be replaced.  The inside was in fantastic shape!  Great job boys!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Summer Pasture for Genny and Snowball

Steve and Larry sectioned off a small part of the pasture closest to the house for Snowball and Genny to have another area to call their own.  This way we can move them between 3 smaller pasture areas to give the land a break.  Since we found out Snowball can't see all that well, it helps to put her in a smaller pasture where "Genny can't get away" from her.  This keeps Snowball from breaking fence to get to Genny.

Monday, February 28, 2011

No hoo hoo!

Genny didn't have a baby!! Apparently, we just feed her tooooooo well! We waited and waited and waited.  We were just positive the donkey was having a baby. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

WreckingBall... I mean Snowball

We have discovered that Snowball uses Genny (Genevieve) has her seeing eye donkey.  Although it sounds strange, Genny walks in front of Snowball to stop her from walking into fences or other obstacles.  It's really cool! Snowball does not like for Genny to be out of her reach or at least range.  When this happens, Snowball will call for Genny and if there is an obstacle in between them, Snowball will try to go through the obstacle....whether it's fence, posts, brush, or whatever. This wasn't good when we were leaving gates open to connect more than 1 pasture together.

For this reason, we have moved Genny and Snowball into a pasture without obstacles or open gates to other pastures.  Genny can't get on the other side of fence or buildings to freak Snowball out.  This seems to be working well and keeps Steve from having to replace fence or posts. 

I'm just glad we figured out why Snowball was taking things out before she ended up hurt!