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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chick Coop Ready!

Steve and Larry finished re-siding the chicken coop.  It hasn't been used in at least 50 years.  Steve's great-grandfather had chickens many, many, many years ago.  The roof was in great shape, but the sides needed to be replaced.  The inside was in fantastic shape!  Great job boys!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Summer Pasture for Genny and Snowball

Steve and Larry sectioned off a small part of the pasture closest to the house for Snowball and Genny to have another area to call their own.  This way we can move them between 3 smaller pasture areas to give the land a break.  Since we found out Snowball can't see all that well, it helps to put her in a smaller pasture where "Genny can't get away" from her.  This keeps Snowball from breaking fence to get to Genny.