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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Crying the Blues!

Back to school today! I am always excited to start back to school.  I miss the kids and I always have great ideas I have found or come up with for my classroom over the summer.  However, this summer went by SO fast with all the things we had going on that I really could have used just another week or two!  Oh well! I'm sure Steve is crying the blues too because he is stuck with our own kids for the next 2 weeks until School Officially Starts! 

Genny (Genevieve the donkey) is getting really, really big.  We just can't believe she is going to make it to October.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wolves on the prowl!

Not real wolves! We went with Steve's parents and his sister's family to the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg for a few days.  It was fantastic.  The kids loved it! We went to Busch Gardens on Sunday, but really, it was so much for them to do at the GWL that we could have just stayed there for all 3 days.  It was a blast!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's ok little cow

Boy oh boy....when I told Steve I would help him band calves, I had no idea what was involved! My job was to hold down their head.  For anyone thinking about trying this for the first is not as easy as Steve has made it look in the past!  I was trying (trying being the key word) to hold his head down, pat his neck, and soothe the little calf by talking to it.  Let me just say HE WANTED NO PART OF ME!  Poor little babies.  I think next time, I will conveniently find something to do elsewhere on banding day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

July was a BLUR!!

Wow! July has come and gone! Where did it go?  Sam, Lauren, and Emily have all been to camp (4 different camps) this month.  Do you know how much laundry, planning, and packing is involved?? Don't DON'T want to know!  Noel went to the mountains for a week with his GiGi and Ruby went to Tennessee for a week with Grandma Peggy and Papa Larry.  Our back door should be replaced with a revolving door! I don't think we had all 6 kids home at the same time all month.

We did have a little crisis with Moo (the goat) at the beginning of the month.  He ate too much grain and was bloated.  He was loafing around and acting really pitiful!  Steve feed him 7-up (yes, the soda) from a bottle and he burped and passed gas from the other end until he felt better.  Amazing! 7-up is the goat miracle cure!  I would have thought Moo was on his death bed the way he was laying around.  We had "fixed" him a few weeks earlier and I was scared something was making him sick from that.  Thank goodness Steve is so knowledgeable about things around the farm.