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Monday, April 26, 2010

How quickly reality sinks in! ha ha  Emily is very upset that Choca won't take a bottle without MUCH conjoling!  She thought being a mama was going to be much easier.  She is doing a fabulous job, but I have reminded her that being a real mom will be even harder so it better be many, many, many years from now before she starts that adventure. (Never hurts to add a little lecture in there.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Goats are HERE!!

Emily is now the proud mama of 2 little baby goats.  The girl is named Chocolate Chip, Choca for short.  The boy is named Moo Pie, Moo for short.  They are SO cute!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goats are coming....

The goat fence is almost finished.  The baby goats have been born at Thane's Neck Farm!! We will be bringing home 2 babies next weekend.  Emily is getting a girl and a boy (wether).  Can't wait!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dance, Dance, Dance...

Noel and I will be attending the Mother Son Dance tonight at school.  It should be fun.  I was very happy that Noel asked me to attend the dance with him.

Steve and I finished up the flower beds this week.  It's been a really fast week, but I think it is just because we only had 3 days of school this week.

Nothing much to report on the homefront.  We planted tomato seedlings earlier in the week.  Kaylee has Opening ceremonies for softball this weekend...and pictures...and her first game. 

9 weeks left of school...the countdown is ON!  I'm ready for summer!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


We are taking some family pictures today on the farm.  I will be sure to post some when we get them back! I hope they turn out terrific!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flower/Herb Garden

We started a flower/herb garden today on the side the house.  We bordered the beds with large rocks.  We have added a few types of oregano, thyme, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, basil, and lavender.  Many of these we had last year and have just moved into the new bed.  We also moved a butterfly bush and added many different kinds of flowers.  It is really starting to shape up.  The soil we used came from one of the feeding spots in a cow pasture.  The soil is a beautiful, dark black and should work wonders for the new flower beds.