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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Driving the Tractor

Steve taught me how drive one of the tractors today.  I fed the cows and didn't kill anyone! Life is good on the farm! (Feeling even more like a real farmer now...)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Transplanting Seeds

The little seedlings we began a few weeks ago have started to outgrow their small containers.  It took me a couple of hours to move everything into bigger containers and add more soil.  Steve and I decided there has to be a better way to plant your own seeds.  One of our biggest dilemmas is where to put all the containers until it's time to plant in the garden.  We'll keep working on solutions.  Steve, Larry, and the kids also cleaned up branches from trees Steve and Larry have cut down.  Emily worked on readying the pen for the goats.  We have decided to keep them close to the house until after they are off the bottle.  Then they can move to their new home with Genevieve down by the Red House.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fencin' in the Goats!

Steve and I made a run to Tractor Supply today to pick up the first load of goat fencing supplies.  We will be busy this weekend starting the fence.  We are going to keep the babies in a small pen until they are a little older. However, we want the big enclosure done ASAP!  Can't wait for the goats to arrive!

On another note, Steve planted 4 grape vines yesterday near the apple trees.  I'm still trying to talk him into a few other varieties of fruit trees.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Home from the Bahamas!

We just got home from picking up Lauren. She had a wonderful time with the high school band on their trip to the Bahamas! Steve and I will have to talk to Lauren about budgeting before she leaves home in a few years! She thought a new haircut constituted a true need to break out her emergency money. I need to say more?

Planting Seeds for Dummies....

Well, I was watering the little indoor seeds tonight and one pan apparently got too much water the day we planted them. We ended up with moldy seed containers because the water couldn't escape. I stuck them outside, but I'm not sure they will sprout. Where is the Dummies Guide to Planting Seeds???

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Starting Seeds

In an effort to make the farm more cost effective, we are trying to plant from seed this year and we plan on saving seeds to use next year. This week, we started several types of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and ground cherries. We are going to try a few more exotic plants this year.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Early Spring Garden is Started!

Steve and Larry, his dad, planted the potatoes, onions, cabbage, broccoli, and some of the lettuce today.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Goat Clean Up!

Cleaning up for the arrival of goats. The kids helped us trim around the trees that will be the fence posts around the goat pen. Steve and his dad, larry, cut down a few trees in the area to open up the edge of the meadow to a little more sunlight. The kids and I cleaned out the creek that feeds into the goats watering hole. I think the goats and Genevieve will love their new home! We only have a few weeks to finish the pen before the goats arrive!

Monday, March 1, 2010


The donkey arrived today! the kids had a 1/2 day of school, so they were so excited to come home to the new donkey! When we told my mom that we had bought a Jenny, she thought that was the name of the donkey. Steve and I thought it would be cute to name her something that started with Jen. Her new name is Genevieve. If she has a baby girl this fall, we'll start the babe's name with Jen as well.